Okay, so things have been a little heavy around here lately so I’m lightening it up today. And no better way than with some Please & Thank You Cookies. I wish I could just write about their chocolate chip cookies and it would make one magically appear at my desk. How do we make that happen?
And if you’re in Louisville and you haven’t been to Please & Thank You and had one of their cookies, you need to stop what you’re doing and go there now. Life changing.
Anyways… I’m getting back on track today. Promise. Over the weekend I caught up on about a million things around the house and I feel like I’m finally getting back on top of things at work – so now I just need to get things going again over here. Hold me to it. On that note, thanks so much for the great feedback on last week’s post. I seriously appreciate it – I think we all need to cut each other some slack. I’m going to try and do a better job of it too since lord knows I could take some of my own advice.
On a clothes note (the best part obvi), I had been on the hunt for a new pair of suede booties since I wore out my last pair well past their breaking point. The heel on these is a little clunkier but I love them for casual days at the office or running around on the weekends. I’ve only had them a few weeks and have already worn them nonstop.
Treasure & Bond Windsor Block Heel Bootie | Old Navy Rockstar Jeans | Nordstrom Drape Front Anorak

Photos by Danielle Martin – Chapter 25 Photography

Seriously, girl! My office is located at 9th and Market… but whenever 64 is jacked, I make the drive down Market St, right past P&TY. It’s pure torture to not make the stop. Those cookies!
Consider me jealous! I wish my traffic detour included Please & Thank You! xo