Happy Friday friends! Back to the fitness grind around here and I have a confession. This week I’ve slacked on getting my still jiggly self to the gym. I’ve snuck in a couple {very quick} runs and made it to play a little tennis but I only got in one tough work out. Thankfully (well not for my soreness now) it was a very tough 20/20/20 class at Milestone on Wednesday. Still. So. Sore.
I’m planning on trying a new class today though. I’m going to give Hip-Hop a try later today (Louisville gals – it’s at 4:25 today if you want to come). I’ve heard that the teacher, Alison, is a former UofL dancer so this could be crazy embarrassing for me but it should be a fun way to end out the week.
Speaking of classes, if you’re interested in giving one of the ah.maz.ing classes at Milestone a try, drop me a note (danielle@louwhatwear.com) and I’ll drop a free class card in the mail for you. My favorites – Rhythm Ride (now there’s a Monday night class at 7!), 20/20/20 (so hard, so worth it), Tabata and Boot Camp. Also, they are going to be offering some free classes in September – see below for details.
Since I’ve been hitting the gym more often (this week not withstanding), there’s been a couple things I’ve picked up and a couple things I’ve added to my wish list to help keep me motivated. Well that and keeping the sweat out of my eyes (see previously mentioned 20/20/20 class).

* Heart Rate Monitor: This is at the top of my wish list. With group fitness classes and their high-intensity levels, it’s nice to see what you get your heart rate up to. With all the talk about getting into the optimum heart rate zone to burn the most calories, I’m itching to see where I’m ranking and push myself to go harder. This Samsung band is a pretty high-tech and fancy (and does a lot of stuff) but for a more basic option, I’ll probably go with one like this Adidas option.
* BKR Glass Water Bottle: I have a ton of water bottles. Well that is until I’m actually looking for one (anyone else have that problem?). But with all the talk about BPA in plastic bottles, I’ve added one of these glass guys into my rotation. I try to keep it filled up in the fridge so I can grab it before heading out. It stays cold for SO LONG!
* Headbands: We talked about the sweat. Combine that with pony tail problems and a headband like this is a must. I prefer the thick version but these braided ones are pretty awesome because they stay in place. You’d think they’d all stay in place but not so much.
* Fitness Bands: I had a fitbit. I loved it. Then I lost it. IN.MY.HOUSE. (Hand to Forehead)
Eventually I’ll snag another one but these options are all great and they’ll blend in with your regular arm party.
* Clean Body Mist: If you have to run errands or just come into contact with other humans post-workout, this body mist is clutch. Give a little spritz and you’ll keep that locker room smell at bay while you run into Target or pick up dinner.
If you’re interested in trying some classes, Baptist East Milestone is lululemon’s studio of the month for September! They will be having FREE Community Classes every Wednesday in September at 7:30 PM taught by Jeff:
* September 3: Power Sculpt
* September 10: SHRED
* September 17: Tabata
* September 24: 20/20/20 (mix of all of the above)
All you have to do is sign-in at the front desk with your name and email!
Last but not least, they’re doing a giveaway to win a free three month membership + two months of personal training – yes please! Sign-up here!
Time for the stats:
Pre-Baby Weight: 140 lbs.
Weight at 40 Weeks: 205 lbs. WOOF
Current Weight (13 weeks post-baby): 153 lbs
13 more to go!
Disclosure: Baptist Milestone Wellness Center has provided me with a discounted membership in exchange for sharing my opinion, information on classes and the occasional offer. All opinions expressed are my own and as always, I would never write about something I didn’t support or endorse. Ready to sign-up? Call Priscilla at 502-753-7558 or email her (pdespain @ baptistmilestone.com).
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