Clearly, I am in a summer kind of mood lately (the almost 90-degree temps around here may be contributing to it). I’ve broken out the white jeans, cleared all the boots out of my closet (my mother’s day activity of choice – clearly I have an organization addiction) and pulled out the swimsuits from the dark recesses of my basement. I also feel like I should get a big paper calendar and start X’ing out the days in red marker until the pool opens.
Since summer’s on the brain and I love making lists, I rounded up 20 activities I want to work into my schedule this summer. I don’t think we all take enough time for the little things, so I am going to make a more concerted effort to step away from the screens and spend more time outside. I’m also going to try and be a tourist in my own town more. Now that Reese is able to be out in public for more than an hour without losing her mind (well… depends on the day but we’re getting there), I’m hoping to mix up our routine and try and check out some of the places we often overlook.
And since little getaways are always fun, I’m going to set a goal to take a weekend away that’s not centered around a wedding. Normally when we get away during the summer, it’s always associated with a wedding and while I LIVE for a good wedding – it would be nice to take a trip where we’re not on a strict schedule.
So in no particular order, here’s the list of things I’m planning to do this summer. Also, I feel like if I say I’m going to do them, I really have to. That’s the thing with lists, if you make them, you have to cross everything off them.
25 Things I’m Going to Do This Summer
1. Go to Dairy Kastle as often as possible, order something other than the rolled Oreo ice cream cone.
2. Take a trip to a lake, any lake. Keeping our fingers that a friend will let us get in on this at some point.
3. Take D3 to tour the Louisville Slugger Museum.
4. Host a legit backyard bar-be-que. Or do my own version of RHOBH Kyle Richard’s White Party. Or combine the two and see how much sauce gets on everyone.
5. Go to an outdoor concert.
6. Visit Chicago. (Cara – if you’re reading this, I’m coming for you!)
7. Take the kids to eat fish sandwiches at Mike Linnig’s.
8. Play lots of tennis.
9. Spend a morning at the Big Four Bridge
10. Take a weekend trip without the kids. (Already have a quick trip to St. Louis on the books for June, so pretty sure this will get marked off the list).
11. Win at Bingo! at St. Joe’s Picnic.
12. Ride the Ferris Wheel at St. Agnes Picnic
13. Go to all the church picnics, win all the cakes. (Okay, so this is a lofty goal but one I’m willing to put in the work to achieve.)

Bar III Knot Front Top (also comes in white)
Joe’s White Skinny Jeans (old, they are MY favorites)
Dagne Dover Stripe Clutch (seen before here) | Jack Rogers ‘Lauren’ Sandal
The Rest of the List…
14. Take the kids to the Newport Aquarium, visit Jodie.
15. Plan a trip to Nashville (may try to parlay this with #5)
16. Clean out ALL THE CLUTTER in my basement – okay, this is a super boring one but it can’t be all fun and games this summer.
17. Take an online coding class – because I can’t cut screen time entirely.
18. Go for a walk instead of watching TV once a week.
19. Teach Reese to swim without floaties (send prayers).
20. Spice up a dinner date by making it a progressive one. Doesn’t have to be fancy, probably better and more fun if it’s not fancy. May do this more than once.
21. Bake a pie from scratch. A good one where I’ll even attempt to make the crust. Send delicious recipes my way.
22. Try Yoga.
23. Run a 10K
24. Plan a boozy brunch with girlfriends at least once.
25. Buy less crap – again with the boring ones but I am trying to spend less on stupid things that end up in my giveaway pile.
What’s on your summer must-do list? Any things you think I should add to mine… I’m willing to expand. Where are you traveling to this summer?

Images by Tabitha Booth.
Eeek would you believe I’ve never been to Dairy Kastle? I feel like I have to fix that this summer and take a road trip up to Cincy to see baby Fiona when they put her in the big exhibit!
GIRL – you have never been to DAIRY KASTLE!?! What the what? Make plans now. Just get in your car, drive to Eastern Parkway and get a rolled oreo cone. You will not regret it!
You’ve given me some ideas to add to mine! Will be adding baking a pie/cobbler from scratch. If you want something to take the kiddos – add Huber’s strawberry/blueberry picking. My family does this every summer – they have a blast and come back w THE best berries! My suggested add – kayaking – maybe this could be in place or in addition to date night. Great post!
Oooh I love the idea of adding kayaking to the list – where do you normally go?
And yes, I think a summer Huber’s trip is in order!
thanks Alexa!
Blue Moon Canoe @ Floyds Fork!