Mondays are always a fresh start but this one feels like the beginning of a whole new era in our country. Last weeks protests were the long overdue wake-up call so many of us needed to address the blatant systematic racism that permeates every corner of our country.
I talked a little about this on my Instagram stories, but one thing that felt like a huge positive was the fact that I didn’t receive a single negative comment or rude response to anything I posted. I’m sure some people unfollowed and to those I say, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. But it showed that while there is still so much work to be done, the community that’s been built around this site is full of people with open hearts and mind, people ready to do to the work to be better, people who without a doubt know that BLACK LIVES MATTER.
For me personally, I’ve always felt like I was supportive and lived an anti-racist life but in the last week, I realized that wasn’t really the case. In the past, I didn’t always feel comfortable speaking out or standing up for what’s right. I let jokes and comments go uncontested, let the general consensus serve as the norm, stood by instead of standing up. That chapter is over.
I’m committed to making positive changes every day and bringing honest conversations about racism, white privilege and the micro-aggressions felt by Black people into our home. Beyond that, I want to move beyond lip service and into action. Supporting more Black political candidates (I’ve been especially excited about the work Jecorey Arthur is doing locally), Black-owned businesses and partnering/working with more Black partners in our work at Lemonade.
One small step we’re taking is offering our PR services, free of charge, to a Black-owned small business or organization. It’s a way we can use our business to help others, especially since Black owned businesses are often under represented in media coverage.
We all may not be protestors but we can all be supporters. Do whatever you can to stand up for what’s right but also to show up for our community. Things won’t change overnight but if we all start moving in the right direction, change will happen.
Last week, I took my kids with me to drop off supplies to the protestors at Jefferson Square. I explained to them why people were protesting, what happened to Breonna Taylor and the excessive use of force by police. With just a brief explanation, they understood the basics of the movement. Kids get it. Why can’t we?
Rather than share more of my opinion though, I encourage you to seek out voices of Black men and women, to diversify your social media feeds and to spend your money at Black-owned businesses. I’ve rounded up some links to some accounts and posts I’ve found helpful.
This doesn’t end today. Unmute yourself and choose to speak up for what’s right.
Black Style + Fashion Accounts to Follow
These are all accounts I’ve followed for a while. I’ve recently started following a bunch of other accounts but these are my long-time favorite follows. Plus, following them has introduced me to so many other Black influencers and businesses.

LOUISVILLE Black Voices + Accounts to Follow

Most of these accounts, I’ll admit, I recently started following. Most in the last week or so. Some have all been a resource in helping me learn, understand and view what’s happening from their perspective. Some are just full of delicious looking food that I have bookmarked and need to order. Would love to add more local Black voices in my feed so if you have any recommendations, send them my way!
* Philly’s Best Frozen Desserts
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