Instagram is many things. A time suck, a rabbit hole, an online shopping hub and frankly, sometimes a downer. But it’s supposed to be fun. It’s supposed to be inspirational and it’s certainly not something that should be making you feel bad.
Lately I’ve been weeding out some of the accounts I follow. Saying goodbye, aka unfollow, to anything that makes me feel like a schmo or that consistently make me say “really!?!”. Instead I’m trying to show the love to the ones that consistently inspire, make me laugh or that I find fun and relatable. It’s so hard to grow in the game so I figured it was worth sharing a little of that love, in hopes that they might make your Insta experience a little more positive. So here are 10 accounts I’m loving right this minute.
Thinking of making this a more regular feature too since I follow people in a bunch of different categories (interior designers are my insta drug) and it might be worth breaking it down more specifically so you can find inspo exactly where you need it. Thinking a Kentucky-focused accounts would be a good one to start with after this more general intro. Also, if there are any accounts you L-O-V-E please drop them in the comments so we can all check them out too!
So yeah, these are super random so I promise to make it more niche oriented on the next go round. But all of these are accounts I love stumbling upon in my feed. Hoping that you end up loving some or all of these accounts. And don’t forget to drop your favorites in the comments. If we get enough, I’ll do a round up of the ones you send my way.
Happy Scrolling!
Okay, if you’re into mildly into interiors, you probably already follow @amberinteriors but you may not be following their new blog account, @all.sorts.of. It’s full of their gorgeous home projects (if you’re not immediately familiar, I’m guessing you’ll recognize their work from all the Pinterest love), as well as more detailed source information. They also regularly include features on other designers, which is a great discovery tool in and of itself.
Despite being so aspirational, their design is very approachable. I certainly can’t afford the majority of the products they use, but it is pretty easy to find similar items at budget-friendly prices. And while right now the feed is very bright white, they do incorporate a lot of rich color, textures and warm neutrals into their designs. Basically, I’d kill to live in any of their projects and this feed, along with their original account, give me the chance to pretend, if only for a second.
If you love pop culture, specifically early 2000’s pop culture, and need a laugh. Go watch Heather’s stories.
Clearly people love them because her account has grown from like 17K when I first started following her last year, to over 125K now. She’s super LOLZ when talking about just anything but I love her particularly for her devotion to one Britney Jean Spears. Her Britney 911 stories regularly have me cry-laughing. So yeah, anytime Britney Spears posts something ridiculous, I immediately go and see what Heather has to say about it all.
I’ve also been influenced by her love of Aperol Spritzes. After hearing her wax poetic about it for months, I’ve started ordering it and, you guys, it’s delicious.
Oh and last but not least, her Halloween impression of Ina Garten was SPOT ON. Scroll back in her feed and watch them, you won’t be disappointed.
Gayle may be my favorite follow on Instagram. No lie.
Stay with me on this, Gayle is like following your mom except your mom is best friends with Oprah. She goes on incredible vacations, posts BTS clips with her besties and keeps it real with scale pics. I freaking LOVE her account. If you want authenticity, Gayle is your girl.
I hate concert videos but when Gayle posts from the front row of Jay-Z and Beyonce, I’m there for it. Mostly because she cuts to Oprah and they are just mom-dancing and living their best lives. Gayle is all of us, if our best friend was one of the most powerful and influential people in the world.
She doesn’t post a ton but when she does. It’s GOLD.
Rachel Martino is the rare aspirational fashion/travel blogger that doesn’t make me feel like I’m missing out or inferior. I’m thinking it’s her Kentucky roots (she’s from Lexington) that bring a level of relatability to incredibly ornate dresses at fancy NYC events.
Rachel is extra. She says so herself. And I love the extraness of it all. She wears a ball gown on the subway, she dresses up in character for Broadway shows, she recreates looks from her favorite TV shows and movies. It all sounds like too much but it never seems like she takes herself too seriously. There is a level of groundedness to it all. I think it’s because she’s back in sweatpants the next morning.
She also does a really good job of explaining the behind the scenes on a lot of her posts. That epic Eiffel Tower shot that looks effortless, wasn’t so easy. She’ll explain all the nitty gritty behind how long it took, what went into the shot, etc. etc. It’s nice to hear the story and effort that goes into creating those moments. It also makes you realize it’s not quite as easy as it all looks.

I’ve followed Jessica for a long time since we both started blogging around the same time … aka forever ago. I’ve always loved following her but for the last six months or so, I’ve been loving her content.
Aesthetically I love the way her photos being edited but more than that, I love that she has a very real voice and is thoughtful about what she posts. It’s not all outfits and sales (although those are there) and even when it is shopping focused, it’s very realistic. You also won’t find a million and one giveaways (not hating but sometimes I get a little bit of giveaway fatigue). Plus she’s really funny and I love watching her stories.
Oh and she has a cute dog. So extra bonus points for that.

Hi, I’m Danielle and I’m obsessed with following hair accounts. No joke, I follow like 25 hair-focused accounts. That’s my feed: hair styling and interior designers, with a few funny meme accounts for good measure.
Justin Anderson’s account is full of the recognizable faces he works with on a daily basis but I’m not here for the celebs, I’m here for the hair. I love how he shares three photos of every color he does, so you can get a full look at the tones and highlights. It’s really great if you’re looking for hair inspo. I’m pretty sure I’ve saved more of his pictures than any other. Then I show them all to my girl in an effort to recreate some of that Hollywood hair magic.
It’s still TBD is we’re accomplishing that but in the meantime, i’ll be over here scrolling through styles for days.
I found this account through one of other favorite follows, Look Linger Love, who owns this bright and beautiful AirBnB in the Bahamas. Every since following I’ve wanted to plan an escape to Harbor Island so I can stay at this adorable pink bungalow.
They do a great job of sharing more than just home pics though. I love the that they share more than just pretty interiors though. It’s like looking at the best kind of vacation pics plus they include lots of snaps of laid-back Bahamian life. It’s always a nice place to stop scrolling and spend a couple minutes catching up on their colorful, happy posts.
And don’t even get me started on that pink fridge. Ahh so cute.
[…] It was pure comedy at my office. I got so much anxiety that I wasn’t going to get tickets that I was sweating and had to take off my jacket. Yes, I am a crazy person but I love me some Heather McMahan. I’m not a johnny come lately either, this post from last year was my original fan girl moment. […]