So Mother’s Day really snuck up on me. That happen to anyone else?
I blame all the Derby hype for making me overlook a holiday I should have circled on the calendar in bright red like a kid counting down to summer break. I mean, Mother’s Day is a big deal. You know, celebrating the lady responsible for your existence. It’s a big one – so make the brunch reservations (pick somewhere nice, she deserves it) and make sure to get her something good.
So flowers are good, perfume is a standard and a family picture is thoughtful but there’s more than just the standards. The team at Babbleboxx sent over a little kit of Mother’s Day goodies for me to try out and share with you all (so you can make a last minute share with your mom)!
- 23andMe – Okay, so this would make for a great gift. Totally unexpected but really fun. You may have seen the commercials for this but if not, it’s a kit that allows you to do a quick saliva swab and find out your genetic or health + genetic background. It works really easy – you get a little self-addressed stamped box in the mail with a kit to take your genetic test. It takes about two minutes and then you pop it in the mail to wait for the results.So your mom may be telling everyone that she’s sure she has French (or Italian or Native American or German) roots but it could be that she’s really Italian or any other combination of backgrounds – they can tell you where your ancestors lived 500+ (!!) years ago. It’s definitely a step up from the standard gift and is one that keeps on giving. It would be fun to circle back once the results are in to see the full breakdown.23andMe is offering $20 off the full kit through Mother’s Day. You could wrap this up with a family photo with a cute note telling her it’s time to get to the bottom of whether grandma’s family was English or German.
- Sabon Butter Hand Cream – So you’re probably like, cool hand cream. Nothing new here. And that’s partly true but do you know how hard it is to find a good hand cream – one that’s not greasy, sticky, absorbs quickly and smells good? Yeah, that’s a lot tougher to find.Personally, I throw away more than half of the hand creams I try (and I try a lot because I may have the driest old lady hands on the planet – probably from my nervous habit of picking at them) but this Sabon one gets the stamp of approval. It’s also a good size for throwing in your bag or keeping at your desk. I’ve already thrown mine in my car so that I have it all the time (since I am in my car way too much).If you’re getting Mom a purse (a solid Mother’s Day gift) throw this in there along with a gift card for a manicure to make the whole thing a little more personal.
- Vichy Mineral 89 – Anyone who has stepped into a Sephora knows there are a ton of beauty products promising all kinds of skin miracles. And while I’m not sure yet if this Vichy moisturizer will make all my skin dreams come true, I do know that I love using it.It is the skincare equivalent of rinsing your face with cold water. In the morning, it’s like the most refreshing wake up call. When it says it’s hydrating, they mean it. I’ve been using it every morning for a couple weeks now and I will say that I feel like my skin feels plumper and it makes my make-up go on much smoother. Consider me committed to see if it can work its magic on this tired mom.You can give it to your Mom – along with a facial or spa gift card – and save 20% off plus get free shipping with code BABBLE now through June 30.

Here’s hoping that gave you a little last minute gift inspiration for your Mom. Lord knows, all our Moms deserve a great day (which may mean just letting them take a nap – if anyone wants to let my husband know that’s what I want for Mother’s Day, that would be solid).
Thanks to Babbleboxx for partnering on this post. All opinions and random ramblings are my own.
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