Before you say anything, yes I know it’s too soon for a Christmas movie post. I’m a little ashamed of myself for writing this right now but I can’t help it. We put up our Christmas tree at work today (it was for a blog project, so I blame that) and all of a sudden, I’m feeling full of the holiday spirit. I’ve also been doing a lot of holiday-themed press releases and articles, so basically, it’s all works fault. Either way, as I write this, I’m watching my favorite Christmas movie (more on that below) with D3 and Reese.
Since I know some of you are holiday early-birds too, I figured I’d jump in and start with my first post of the season. Don’t worry, no gift guides just yet. Instead it’s my five favorite holiday movies. You’re not going to find any big surprises here but I’m hoping to get a discussion going of everyone’s favorites so I can add some of them to my must-watch list this year.
5. White Christmas
I wish I was one of those people who wrapped presents as I buy them, but I don’t. Instead I wait until I’ve purchased at least 60% of my gifts and then I shoo my family to the basement, make myself a hot toddy and cue up White Christmas. It’s my own personal holiday tradition and something I look forward to every year.
Something about this movie makes me so nostalgic. Probably because I first watched it with my grandparents, who absolutely loved Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney. It could be because I’m a sucker for old movies. Or maybe it’s because I can’t get enough of the performance of “Sisters” (makes me always wish I had a sister). Either way, I love it. Yes, it’s a little long but it’s worth it to hear Bing Crosby sing “White Christmas.” It’s a classic and if you have never seen it, it’s one of those bucket list movies you just have to watch.
4. The Holiday
This movie can be polarizing. Some people absolutely love it (me), some people hate it (don’t know who they are but I’ve heard rumblings). Granted it’s no cinematic masterpiece but it’s a solid holiday watch. Kate Winslet is a queen. Cameron Diaz’s wardrobe is oh so chic and Jude Law is super dreamy in it and I don’t even think Jude Law is that great. That English cottage is Christmas #goals and Jack Black is super endearing. Oh and the part where the the old guy gets the award, it gets me every time.
That being said, it’s totally predictable but I kind of love that about it. It’s one of those movies you can turn on and leave in the background. Or the kind where you put on your coziest pjs, make a fire and fall asleep about half-way through. You’re probably thinking now, “well why in the hell is it on your list?” You know what? I don’t know. But I love pretty much everything about it even the fact that it’s a little hokey.
3. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
You guys, this movie (or TV special, whatever you want to call it) makes my heart happy. The stop-motion animation, the island of misfit toys, Burl Ives singing “Silver and Gold” … ah it’s too much. Anytime I watch it, I feel like I’m 9 year old. It’s so good. It was one of my favorite shows to watch with my mom growing up. We even had the little Christmas ornaments with all the characters on our tree. It was hard to pick a favorite, loved Yukon Cornelius a lot though, he always oddly reminded me of my step-dad.
It’s one of the only holiday movies I find myself watching multiple times a season. Love how simple it is but how much joy it brings. Yes, that was a cheesy thing to say. No, I don’t care. Seriously, dare you to watch it and not smile.
Also, that Santa Claus is the cutest in the game.
Rudolph is the cutest
2. Christmas Vacation
Not going to lie, Christmas Vacation wasn’t always one of my favorites but it’s Drew’s favorite and after watching about it 100 times, I started to love it too. We even dressed up like all the characters at my office a couple years ago (I was Audrey). It’s definitely one of the most quotable Christmas movies, if not one of the most quotable movies ever – “Can’t see the line, can you Russ?”
For our family, the holiday season hasn’t officially started until we’ve watched Christmas Vacation. That doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot of questions – like why does their entire family come to stay with them from Thanksgiving to Christmas? Why do they feel the need to drive out to the middle of nowhere for a tree when they live in Chicago? Or most importantly, why don’t more people talk about what a babe Beverly D’Angelo is, especially in this movie? But just like Todd says, “I don’t knowwwww Margoooo.”

Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal
1. Home Alone
Home Alone is my, hands-down, favorite Christmas movie ever. I know some people prefer Home Alone 2 – Lost in New York and while I love it, it’s not the original. I could easily quote the entire movie, line-by-line. No lie, I say “Buzz, your girlfriend … WOOF.” at least once per day. And anytime I’m alone in my house, I whisper to myself “I made my family disappear.”
Okay, now that I think about it. I quote this movie almost as much as Mean Girls … and that’s a lot.
I also love love love the music. There may be no better soundtrack in a holiday movie and the theme song is legendary (note to self: change phone ring to Home Alone theme). It’s also a time capsule for air travel pre-9/11, just running through the airport, handing a stack of tickets to the attendant and pushing through onto the plane. There’s no way this movie could even pretend to take place now.
Moreover, I think every kid of the 90’s wanted to be Kevin McAllister – taking down the bad guys after a solo dinner of Stouffer’s Mac and Cheese. Did you even grow up in the 90’s if you didn’t have a poster with Kevin’s plan of attack? And don’t get me started about the McAllister’s house. When it went up for sale a couple years ago, I bought every lottery ticket in sight with the hopes I could win enough to make it mine.
John Hughes is one my favorite directors and this is my favorite of his classic films. The kids and I just watched it, albeit a little earlier than we normally do, and it didn’t disappoint. Can’t wait to watch it at least five more times before the 25th.
Here’s a few others I love but didn’t make the top five…
Love Actually – one of my favorite movies ever.
Best Man Holiday – Seriously, watch it. Funny, touching, so good.
Charlie Brown Christmas – The music. duh.
Any Harry Potter movie – Hogwarts is so magical
Meet Me in St. Louis – Judy Garland is everything.
The Sound of Music – No idea why I consider this a Christmas movie, it’s not but I always watch it this time of year.
ELF – “Santa! I know him!”
The Santa Clause – Oh man, this one is so good.
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